This note is a response to bro iman`s note..and recent controversi..
Lidah yang normal dan merah itu ..
kn lebih baek digunakan utk membantu bibir dan gigi megeluarkan kata-kata indah dan baik dan berguna....meskipun bunyi itu tidak semestinya merdu..
I have a personal story..i wanted to share with all of u....
"10 years back heart was broken when i saw my 'silent' frenz being angry with each other..i can remember it vividly in my my my heart..they were yelling n crying..angry hands, angry lips..angry eyes..those moves so fast dat i could not even understand a thing.."
I remember dat day coz they dont have wut i have....
A VOICE...a gift from God..
Once,they ask me to sing them a song..i was little heart cry so much..coz..i wish they could hear me sing dat song... those dat can hear..says it wonderful..coz they can at least hear using the device behind their ears..but most of them don't...dat tym i learn to love myself....learn to care for things i may say..learn to not yell or say harsh words dat i can`t pull back....
coz i 'silent' friends..
They don't have dat GIFT...
So, why miss use what we have??
My father n my mom had a wonderful do i..i admit it..a gift from God dat i must care..but,
the karaoke song i sang in public... was the first tym i ever had since many years ...and i REGRET it so much..dat it even make me DIAM..all the tym....Thinking of them..makes me feel awful..i didnt take care of my GIFT..i was suppose to only..let those who SERVEd to listen to it...i rarely sing now..Coz it remind me of my 'silent' frenz....Knowing dat,I must use it wisely..
How i met them??
I was a prefect..doing rounds at school..near the BANGUNAN PENDIDIKAN KHAS...allocated for Down syndrome,BISU,PEKAK,and etc...
Day by day..i enjoy looking at them..merrily 'talking' to each other..using their hands..anger,fun,playing,discussing,..i was so amazed looking at those kids..two of them are prefect too.. a boy and a gurl..the girl was so beautiful..fair skin..muka bujur sirih..round soft black eyes..but she cannot hear..nor talk..The boy however,was a tall malay guy.One day, we tried to communicate..They do AIR LETTERS..i don`t understand..they make letters on my PALM..i dont get it..(my tactile localisation was so off... hmm..i tought so...)Then they wrote on my back..still..i didn't get it.. Then..the bell rang..!! Owhh..anyway,there is still tomorow..The next day..i prepare a note book and a pen..and there we friends...U know what?..I had an amazing 'little adventure'. As a child..nothing could be more fun than dat..I don`t mind spending my recess time with them..I`m just AMAZED..looking into their heart and soul..who can actually be thankful for what they have....
The question is.............
GIfted with VOICE..not like si BISU..
Gifted with HANDS and FEET..not like si TEMPANG...
Gifted with smart least not low in IQ..not like si DUNNGU..
Gifted with FAMILY..not like YATIM pIAtu....
GIfted with free SOUL..not like those AFGHANs n IRAQis..
Gifted with a lots of opportunities,scholarships,allowance, subsidies..
all of it..
My dear frenz..
i LOVE all of u..from the bottom of my heart..
Seeing my frens being far away..from the path we should be..
Make me so sad..but,all i can pray..
Pray that one will change..that i will change..
To a better person..
SYUKUR to whatever we had..
Redha to whatever GOOD or BAD u encounter...
Because some of them are not as LUCKY as we are..
BEcause we are the CHosen One..
THe one that God chose..
to be in whatever u are in now
to be who you are....
Al kisah...Diam...banyak situasi kan??
diam tanda nya orang yg marah tengah bersabar,
diam tandanya orang murung kerna bersedih,
diam tandanya orang tue tgh mngenang kembali dosa ,kenangan lalu..
diam tandanya orang itu berfikir..
diam tandanya memang dia takde pape nk cakap,
diam tandanya orang tue merajuk..
diam tandanya orang tue terkejut..tergamam....
diam tandanya orang tue mmg tak suke kita....
diam tandanya org tue nk elak dari termengumpat....
diam tandanya mengelakkan diri dari org2 psycho yg gatal...
diam perempuan mse tok kadi tanyer "setuju tk?"..tandanya SETUJU la..
diam tandanyer orang tue khusyuk dgor khutbah jumaat..or tertido..
diam tandanya bayi tue sakit....or kenyang minum susu..
diam tandanya si BISU itu mmg tiada SUARA utk gelak kuat2..atau marah sungguh2..
DIAM like mahatma ghandi said..
"the key of fighting is not to fight back"..
words spoken 1432 years after of our beloved prophet said
"jgn marah,jgn marah,jgn marah."....
*sape rajen ,tolong la carikan hadis nie..*
diam kt ats semuanya bgus..tpi...kalau ..
diam maser org cerca kawan kite..kna la bela kwn tue..
diam mser agama disindir,kna la bagnkit juga..
diam mser kawan buat salah..kita tk tegur..
diam mser cegu salah, kita tk ckp kt belakang plak..
diam maser viva..(erkk.?? preparation ngn cermin letak d mna?)
diam mser interbiu Jpa or Mara.(takkan lah,..bermgu2 prepare tue!)
diam mser orang bg ucapan...dh tue sape nk dgor??
byk lagi..
DIAM ader baek ader bughok..
so..pandai2 ler...
akhir kata...